What do we gain by confessing venial sins?

Mission Lab

When we confess our venial sins, not only does God pardon them, but we receive an increase of grace and charity which allows for a better disposition for receiving Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and helps us to perfect the Christian life. The abundance of the fruit which we gain from Holy Communion depends upon the degree of our love, …

What is an indulgence?

Mission Lab

An indulgence is the Church’s special intercession with God for the remission of temporal punishment due to sin which has already been forgiven.

How does the Church have the power to grant indulgences?

Mission Lab

Making use of her power to minister the redemption of Christ, the Church intervenes to dispense the treasure of the superabundant merits of Christ and the saints, to the faithful who are rightly disposed, for the remission of temporal punishment due their sins.

What are sacramentals?

Mission Lab

Sacramentals are blessings, ceremonies, or religious articles instituted by the Church for our use, in order to increase our devotion and to aid in our Salvation. The difference between sacraments and sacramentals is that the sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ; they give grace to our souls by their own power. The sacramentals were instituted by the Church and are …

What are the conditions for gaining an indulgence?

Mission Lab

The conditions for gaining a plenary indulgence are: a. One must be baptized and in the state of grace. b. One must receive Holy Communion each time a plenary indulgence is sought. c. One must go to confession several days preceding or following the indulgenced action. A single sacramental confession suffices for gaining several plenary indulgences. d. One must have …

What is the effect of the sacramentals?

Mission Lab

By the proper use of sacramentals, men are disposed to receive the chief effect of the sacraments, and various occasions in life are rendered holy.

In what way is the saving work of Christ continued?

Mission Lab

The saving work of Christ is continued in the Catholic Church, especially through the Seven Sacraments which He instituted. The Holy Spirit gives His grace through the sacraments and sanctifies souls. By means of the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Catholic Church enjoys Christ’s presence and continues His ministry and saving mission. Jesus promised to remain with us, through …

How does the Church continue Christ’s work?

Mission Lab

The Church has been given the sacraments, which Christ instituted, as the special means of continuing Christ’s work on earth. The sacraments are special actions of the Holy Spirit in the Church, through which we encounter the person of Christ, experience His love, and receive His grace.