Why are the sacraments referred to as actions of Christ?

Mission Lab

The sacraments are referred to as actions of Christ because (1) by means of them, Christ gives His Spirit to all who believe in Him, and (2) it is from Christ that the sacraments receive the power to make men holy. 1. Sacraments are called actions of Christ because, by means of them, Christ gives His Spirit to all who …

Why did Jesus institute the sacraments?

Mission Lab

Jesus instituted the sacraments to (1) sanctify mankind, (2) build up the Church, His Mystical Body, (3) render worship to God, and (4) instruct. 1. Jesus instituted the sacraments to sanctify mankind. God uses the sacraments as the ordinary channels to impart His grace; therefore, they are necessary to keep and nourish the life of grace in our souls. St. …

Why does the Church encourage Catholics to receive the sacraments?

Mission Lab

The Church encourages Catholics to receive the sacraments often and with great faith and eagerness because Christ instituted the sacraments to nourish Christian life. Christ Himself made the sacraments the instruments through which He gives His grace to us. This is what we mean when we say that Christ instituted the sacraments. There are references in the Bible to Christ’s …

What purpose do the sacraments serve?

Mission Lab

The sacraments serve: (1) as sources of grace for individuals and communities and (2) as remedies for sin and the effects of sin. The sacraments are also signs of faith, as explained in question 192. 1. The sacraments serve as sources of grace for individuals and communities. All the sacraments produce sanctifying grace. In addition, each sacrament gives its own …

In what way is the saving work of Christ continued?

Mission Lab

The saving work of Christ is continued in the Catholic Church, especially through the Seven Sacraments which He instituted. The Holy Spirit gives His grace through the sacraments and sanctifies souls. By means of the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Catholic Church enjoys Christ’s presence and continues His ministry and saving mission. Jesus promised to remain with us, through …

How does the Church continue Christ’s work?

Mission Lab

The Church has been given the sacraments, which Christ instituted, as the special means of continuing Christ’s work on earth. The sacraments are special actions of the Holy Spirit in the Church, through which we encounter the person of Christ, experience His love, and receive His grace.