


Virtual discernment discussion

This discernment discussion is for any practicing Catholic (ages 18-35) in discerning God’s will for their lives through prayer.

How Do I Find My Vocation?

Listen to God’s Voice

But what if I don’t hear God? Or how do I know it’s God? What then? Then you should seek wise counsel. Proverbs 19:20 says “Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom for the future.”

Our goal is to assist young adults, ages 18-35, in discerning God’s will for their lives through prayer. What does that prayer look like? When is the decisive moment when you “know” what your vocation is? What will life look like if I totally surrender to God?

Virtual Discernment

Obstacles & Misconceptions that Impact Vocation Discernment

Feb. 10, 2025

7:30-8:45p.m. EST

Virtual Discernment

April 9, 2025

7:30-8:45p.m. EST


Learn from the Catholic Corp

About important elements to consider in the discernment process and about how God revealed their vocation.

Small Group Discussions

This discussion will give you a clear understanding of how to discvoer your vocation and what to do next.


Through life-changing events, the Catholic Corps have been helping young adults to actively seek and find their calling in life.

We’ve been privileged to witness hundreds of young adults discover their vocations—whether to marriage, priesthood, religious life, or consecration of life.

Don’t miss your chance, RSVP now.

Your Family Can Become a Holy Family

To Jesus, through Mary, in union with St. Joseph.