



Discover the truth and beauty of the Catholic Church at the Totus Tuus Family Conference. You’ll be drawn—along with your family—into an encounter with Jesus that will set your heart on fire.

A Catholic Family Conference


Join us for this Catholic family conference and set your family apart for God. 

During the Totus Tuus Family Conference, you will grow in love for our Eucharistic Lord.

You’ll deepen your knowledge of the truths of the Catholic Faith.

And you’ll be equipped to more fully embrace your role as a lay person in the Church.

Totus Tuus Family Conference

October 10 – October 12, 2025


Loved by God

Experience God’s personal love for you through Mass, Confession, Eucharistic Adoration, a Candlelight Rosary Procession, and more.

Formed in the Truth

Go deeper into the truths of our Catholic Faith through inspiring speakers and age-appropriate programs for children and youth.

Sent into the World

Leave with renewed zeal for God and the practical tools you need to defend, live, and share your Catholic Faith with others.



Featured Speakers for Adults

Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC

Formator of Marian Seminarians

Topic: Penance and the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Father Thaddaeus Lancton has obtained a B.A. in philosophy at Franciscan University of Steubenville, a master’s in psychology from the Divine Mercy University, and a doctorate in sacred theology from the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin, Poland. He is the author of Stepping on the Serpent: The Journey of Trust with Mary, and Shining in Spotless Splendor: Consecration to the Immaculate Conception. Since Fr. Thaddaeus has learned and speaks various languages, he has lived and worked in the Philippines, Poland, Bolivia, and Argentina. He is currently assigned to the Marian house in Steubenville, Ohio as formator for the seminarians. Father Thaddaeus is inspired by the mystery of the Immaculate Conception to live and proclaim the free gift of the mercy of God, which accompanies, protects, and guides us from conception until death.

Fr. Wolfgang Seitz

National Director of Opus Angelorum

Topic: Angels

Fr. Seitz is a member of the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross, an international Order which has its Mother House in Austria. He is also the Superior of the Community in Detroit and the national Director of Opus Angelorum. After studying at the seminary of the Order in Anápolis, Brazil, he was ordained a priest in 2002. He was then sent to Assumption Grotto Parish in Detroit, MI. Since then, he has been giving retreats and conferences throughout the United States.

Austin Ruse

President of C-Fam (Center for Family and Human Rights), Author, and Editor

Topic: No Better Time to Be a Faithful Catholic

Austin Ruse spent many years in the New York magazine world, working at senior levels at Fortune, Forbes, The Atlantic Monthly, even Rolling Stone.
After a religious and political conversion, Austin left that world and volunteered his time with a Catholic priest in New York City, waiting for the main chance to combine religion and politics in his professional life.
That chance came in the summer of 1997 when he met a Canadian team who had raised money to open a pro-life lobbying group at the UN. C-Fam was born, and Austin was one of the first employees.
Austin quickly rose to the office of president of C-Fam, a position he has held since 2000.
Austin is a writer. He has published four books and more than 1,000 columns and essays, mostly at Crisis Magazine where he is a contributing editor.

Sister Gianna Maria Solomon, S.V.

Community Superior in the Sisters of Life, Crisis Pregnancy Mission Work

Topic: Mary and the Gift of Life

Sister Gianna Maria graduated from the Catholic University of America, Washington, in 2009 with a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing. Before entering the Sisters of Life in 2010, she worked as a registered nurse at Nemours DuPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington. Her brother, Father John Solomon, is pastor of St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish in Ocean City, MD. She is the fifth of seven children of Michael and Mary Solomon.

Dr. Matthew Breuninger

Assoc. Professor at FUS, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Author, and Father of Six

Topic: Fatherhood

Dr. Matthew Breuninger is an associate professor of psychology at Franciscan University of Steubenville. He is a licensed clinical psychologist and the owner of Wellspring Counseling, Coaching & Consulting. He is the author of Finding Freedom in Christ: Healing Life’s Hurts. When not at work, he can be found fly fishing or hiking with his wife and six children.

Megan Murphy

Catholic Speaker, Teacher, and Evangelist

Topic: The Feminine Genius

Megan Murphy is engaging audiences of all ages in the New Evangelization. At a variety of events for youth and adults, married and single, women and men, Megan presents the Gospel in a way that engages her audiences and challenges them to live for Christ and His Church. Megan’s love for the Holy Trinity, our Blessed Mother, and the saints (particularly Pope Saint John Paul II) is communicated vividly through her passionate presentations. Megan will have you sitting on the edge of your seat as she shares, with humor and candor, her personal conversion story, her vast knowledge of Theology of the Body, and the lessons she has learned in her own pursuit of holiness.



The Totus Tuus Family Conference takes place at Catholic Familyland®—a place set apart for families and home of the Holy Family of Fatima Prayer Site.

As a pilgrim to these holy grounds, we invite you to let go and let God, so that you can experience His grace in a powerful new way!

~20 minutes from Franciscan University of Steubenville

~45 minutes from Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT)


We rely on the generous support of our sponsors to bring amazing, faith-filled experiences to hundreds of families every year.

Financial Assistance

Our “Family to Family” program makes AFC events like the Totus Tuus Family Conference accessible to families and individuals facing financial constraints. 

Thanks to the generosity of attending families, the program offers discounts on registration and basic lodging costs.

Plan Your Trip

Toothbrush? Check. Extra socks? Check.

Explore all the important stuff you need to know and to bring! We’ll help you show up prepared for an exciting week at Catholic Familyland®.

There are two Accessible Cabins located in our Holy Family Park that allow us to more fully accommodate families with physical needs who attend our events.

Priority will be given to those with physical needs first come/first serve according to application received date.



Pick Your Event

Choose an event to attend.


Register & Pay

Book your stay entirely online.


Have the Best Catholic Vacation. Ever.

And return home spiritually nourished and physically rejuvenated.

Your Family Can Become a Holy Family

To Jesus, through Mary, in union with St. Joseph.