Discover the truth and beauty of the Catholic Church at the Totus Tuus Family Conference. You’ll be drawn—along with your family—into an encounter with Jesus that will set your heart on fire.

A Catholic Family Conference
Join us for this Catholic family conference and set your family apart for God.
During the Totus Tuus Family Conference, you will grow in love for our Eucharistic Lord.
You’ll deepen your knowledge of the truths of the Catholic Faith.
And you’ll be equipped to more fully embrace your role as a lay person in the Church.


Loved by God
Experience God’s personal love for you through Mass, Confession, Eucharistic Adoration, a Candlelight Rosary Procession, and more.

Formed in the Truth
Go deeper into the truths of our Catholic Faith through inspiring speakers and age-appropriate programs for children and youth.

Sent into the World
Leave with renewed zeal for God and the practical tools you need to defend, live, and share your Catholic Faith with others.
Featured Speakers for Adults
Dr. Janet Smith
Former Chair of Life Ethics at Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Talk Titles: “The Family as the Path to Holiness”, “Religious Liberty”
Janet E. Smith is retired from Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, MI where she held the Father Michael J. McGivney Chair of Life Ethics. She is the author of many books on the Church’s sexual ethics. Prof Smith has served on several papal commissions. She has received three honorary doctorates and several other awards for scholarship and service. She has appeared on the Geraldo show, Fox Morning News, CNN International, CNN Newsroom, Al Jazeera and has done many shows on EWTN. More than two million copies of her talk, “Contraception: Why Not” have been distributed. In her retirement she is helping victims of the priestly sexual abuse crisis, writing on the glories of the Traditional Latin Mass and trying to finish several scholarly projects. Her materials can be found at janetsmith.org. Free copies of her talks and many of her columns are available there.
Dr. Mark Miravelle
Chair of Mariology at Franciscan University
Talk Title: “Rediscovering Fatima”
Dr. Mark Miravalle earned his Sacred Theological Doctorate at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. He holds the Saint John Paul II Chair of Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he has been teaching since 1986. Dr. Miravalle is also the founder and senior editor of Ecce Mater Tua, an international journal of Mariology research. He is president of the International Marian Association, comprised of more than 130 theologians, bishops, clergy, and laity worldwide who seek to promote Marian devotion and doctrine. Well known throughout the world for his lectures on Mariology, Dr. Miravalle has addressed several episcopal conferences, including those of South India, Nigeria, Venezuela, and Costa Rica. He has also assisted bishops with preliminary investigations into reported apparitions.
Kim Zember
Founder of Boldly Beloved
Talk Title: “How to Talk to Your Kids About Homosexuality”
Kim Zember is the founder of Boldly Beloved. She is a dynamic speaker and mentor for young adults and adults struggling with same-sex attraction. Through her book, “Restless Hearts: My Struggle with Life & Sexuality” Kim offers encouragement to those seeking peace and joy for their own restless hearts. Kim is passionate about sharing the Good News of the Father’s love for us and our identity in Christ as His children.
Mario Enzler
Former Swiss Guard
Talk Title: “I Served a Saint”
Mario was born and raised in Northen Italy. After studying music in Milan and Verona, he joined the Swiss Guard and served under Pope St. John Paul II in the double capacity of soldier and conductor of the Swiss Guard Band. Following his time of service at the Vatican, he worked for almost twenty years in investment banking and wealth management. After moving to the United States, he and his wife started a Classical K-12 Academy rooted in the Catholic tradition. He has taught business and finance at Catholic University of American and at University of St. Thomas. Today, he teaches Ecclesial Management and Administration at Catholic Distance University. Mario started the Borromeo Project, a consulting firm to aid Catholic diocese, parishes, religious orders and apostolates across the world.
The Totus Tuus Family Conference takes place at Catholic Familyland®—a place set apart for families and home of the Holy Family of Fatima Prayer Site.
As a pilgrim to these holy grounds, we invite you to let go and let God, so that you can experience His grace in a powerful new way!
~20 minutes from Franciscan University of Steubenville
~45 minutes from Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT)
We rely on the generous support of our sponsors to bring amazing, faith-filled experiences to hundreds of families every year.
Financial Assistance
Our “Family to Family” program makes AFC events like the Totus Tuus Family Conference accessible to families and individuals facing financial constraints.
Thanks to the generosity of attending families, the program offers discounts on registration and basic lodging costs.
Plan Your Trip
Toothbrush? Check. Extra socks? Check.
Explore all the important stuff you need to know and to bring! We’ll help you show up prepared for an exciting week at Catholic Familyland®.
There are two Accessible Cabins located in our Holy Family Park that allow us to more fully accommodate families with physical needs who attend our events.
Priority will be given to those with physical needs first come/first serve according to application received date.
Pick Your Event
Choose an event to attend.
Register & Pay
Book your stay entirely online.
Have the Best Catholic Vacation. Ever.
And return home spiritually nourished and physically rejuvenated.