



Get to know the names and faces of today’s Catholic Corps missionaries. Perhaps God is calling you to walk with us in this celibate vocation.

A Spiritual Family

The Catholic Corps community is our spiritual family where we experience the warmth of a home and a family spirit. It is characterized by joy, mutual trust, respect and a sense of belonging.

We support, encourage, and care for one another in a life of shared prayer, mission, formation, recreation, meals, gatherings, and retreats.

    Catholic Corps Women

    Jomel Brondial

    Jomel Brondial

    Hometown: Manila, Philippines
    Life Commitment: 2001
    Feast Day: January 7, Feast of the Epiphany

    I felt attracted to the AFC’s Catholic Corps vocation because of its prayer life which is Eucharistic and Marian, and its mission of evangelizing families in the truths of the Catholic faith. I saw how relevant and crucial this mission was since the family is where the Faith begins and grows, and so it is vital for the salvation of souls. After college graduation from the University of the Philippines (with a degree in Statistics) and then working for a short time in a business company, I felt restless and was searching for a deeper meaning and overall direction in life. It was then that Our Lord through Our Lady drew me back to the Church (through the prayers of my mother), as I was “on and off” in my practice of Faith, then led me to know the Apostolate through its celibate community when its mission just started in the Philippines. I felt very much the call of the Lord to give myself completely to Him – that I would give my heart to Him alone and dedicate my whole life to Him – to fulfill His call to holiness to the fullest. The lay character of the Catholic Corps vocation was new and unique which I identified with, and through which I could use my God-given talents to build up His Kingdom.

    Tricia Hauber

    Tricia Hauber

    Hometown: Kennewick, WA
    Life Commitment: 1994
    Feast Day: December. 8, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

    After attending a retreat at the AFC in Wisconsin in 1987, I felt the Lord stirring my heart to something more. I was very much drawn to the AFC, particularly the prayer life and its support of the family especially through its emphasis on the Holy Eucharist and its Marian spirituality and consecration to the Holy Family. So I decided to come back and discern and eventually, I made a life commitment. Through the years of this faith journey, I’ve grown in my communion with the Lord and have developed deep spiritual friendships, not only with my sisters in community, but also with many of the beautiful families who come to our events. I’m so grateful to be a part of this ministry to give glory to God and save souls.

    Lucy Lu Mai

    Lucy Lu Mai

    Hometown: Yangon, Myanmar
    Life Commitment: 2014
    Feast Day: February. 11, Our Lady of Lourdes

    I was once secular and lukewarm. I heard a call in 1999 when I was 24. I had to detach everything to follow Him and leave my own town, Myitkyina. I cried but I believe that the Holy Family is leading me to where I am now. I am content with what I am. After so many weak falls I was able to get up again through the grace of God. I am happy for this life of consecration to the Holy Family. I am grateful to God in my entire life for what He has done for me, my vocation and formation and spiritual life and all my needs met in the Catholic Corps way of life. I decided that I will do whatever He wants me to do. I am all His and all I have is His through Mary in union with St. Joseph. Amen.

    Renee Sheu

    Renee Sheu

    Hometown: Ballwin, MO
    Life Commitment: 2013
    Feast Day: September. 8, Feast of the Birth of the Virgin Mary

    I was a high school summer Service Corps volunteer at the AFC when I heard the call to become a member of the Catholic Corps. I wanted to serve families in this wonderful mission of saving souls. Jesus spoke to me one Wednesday night during Adoration saying He wanted me for Himself. How could I not respond to His call?

    Mary Sue

    Mary Sue

    Hometown: Muncie, IN
    Life Commitment: 2000
    Feast Day: December 8, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

    During my years of teaching special education, I experienced the sorrow of seeing children and families hurt from neglect, substance abuse and other wounds and felt powerless to make it better. I began to sense God calling me to something more and looked into mission work. What first drew me to the Catholic Corps vocation was the AFC’s mission of reaching the whole family with the truths of the faith and drawing them into prayer and the Sacraments, opening the door to healing and family unity. I was also attracted to the community life and being able to live and work with others who shared my faith and values. Then, the prayer life really made an impact on me. The daily adoration and Scripture reading, most especially, nourished my soul so much and deepened my relationship with Christ. I am grateful to God for all the blessings and opportunities for growth that I have received in this vocation.

    Carolyn Stegmann

    Carolyn Stegmann

    Hometown: House Springs, MO
    Life Commitment: 1993
    Feast Day: March 25, Feast of the Annunciation

    I saw the breakdown of family life and the moral free fall in our country and knew that because the family is the basic cell of society, so goes the family so goes society. If you renew the family, you renew the world and the Church. After attending an AFC Youth Retreat, I discovered that my youth was a treasure and a gift that God was asking me to give back to Him. It was with great joy that I offered this treasure back to Him, and in so doing, I eventually gave up marriage and family life so that other families could know and learn what authentic Catholic family life should be like.

    Anna Thompson

    Anna Thompson

    Hometown: Sullivan, IN
    Life Commitment: 2009
    Feast Day: Nov. 9, Presentation of Mary

    As I was finishing my college career, I began to long for a deeper understanding of who I was, what my purpose in life was and who I was meant to journey through life with. After graduation I decided to take some time out of life to volunteer within the Church and hopefully spend more time in prayer in order to discern these things. I ended up trying out the Catholic Corps way of life. Their life was steeped in the Sacraments with daily Mass and frequent opportunities for Confession, daily Eucharistic prayer, formation in the Truths of the Faith, and the community was alive with a desire for holiness. The grace of God working through these elements began to fulfill my deepest longings and encouraged in me a desire to live a life of consecration to God for the salvation of souls. As I continue to live this way of life, I can gratefully say that I have received greater understanding of who I am in Him, a means to live out His purpose for me and a community that supports and encourages me to live a life of holiness in Him.

    Catherine Wall

    Catherine Wall

    Hometown: Molalla, OR
    Life Commitment: 2000
    Feast Day: September 8, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    I felt a call to give myself completely to God since childhood. I thought it was as a cloistered nun. However, after visiting two cloistered orders I felt God was not calling me to either one. Providentially, after receiving a brochure from the Apostolate for Family Consecration in the mail and making a look-see visit with the women’s Catholic Corps community, I knew I was home, and the Apostolate’s mission to save the world and the Church through the family, became my mission.

    Elsie Yator

    Elsie Yator

    Hometown: Agusan del Sur, Philippines
    Life Commitment: 2006

    “Service” and “Come, follow me” those are the words that God had put in my heart since I was in grade school. I have no clue as to what it meant. I thought, getting involved in various parish ministries was enough to respond to that call. I was determined to get married but again, it’s just me and my plan until I heard once again the word of God, “Come follow me” but this time with added words, with all your heart and with all your life. It was the year 1995 that the work and mission of the Apostolate for Family Consecration (AFC) was introduced to me. I got attracted to their work and mission of serving families through the dual dimension of consecration and spirituality of St. Pope John Paul II which is Eucharistic, Marian and Family Centered. As I witnessed first hand the breakdown of families, I thought to myself, this is it! Family Consecration! I want to make a difference in the lives of every family and I want to give my all in all. Without hesitation, I joined the AFC October 13, 1995, the Day the Miracle of the sun happened at Fatima, Portugal.

      Catholic Corps Men

      Greg Becker

      Greg Becker

      Hometown: Lynbrook, NY
      Life Commitment: 2002
      Feast Day: September 14, Feast of the Triumph of the Cross

      When I was young I never felt a call or even considered a call to serve God. It wasn’t even on my radar. In my mid twenties, after college and in the midst of building a business career, God shocked me by calling me to Himself in an unusual and unmistakable way. I wasn’t happy. I had other plans for my happiness! But fortunately I was given the grace to keep an open mind and open heart. Through a series of experiences—one of which was a priest wryly calling me a “jerk” in confession because I didn’t pray to Mary—I accepted God’s call and began to understand the beautiful role of Our Lady in our lives and in the life of the Church. From that point on my spiritual life really began to take off. When I encountered a member of the AFC’s Catholic Corps community at a conference and learned that they have a “deep devotion to Our Lady”, I knew I had to check it out. What I found was an amazing answer to prayer–a powerful mission to serve families! God had already inspired my heart and mind to see the impact my life could have if it was put at the service of supporting families to learn and live the Faith and that’s exactly what the AFC was all about! I was also looking for the support and structure of a community of like-minded men to help me grow in holiness and service of God – and that’s exactly what the Catholic Corps is all about! It was a perfect fit. I came to a Discernment Weekend retreat a few months later, then joined the Catholic Corps shortly after that, and have never looked back! God is full of surprises.

      Tim Boudreaux

      Tim Boudreaux

      Hometown: Thibodaux, LA
      Life Commitment: 1994
      Feast Day: June 29, Solemnity of Sts. Peter & Paul

      “In you, O Lord, I have found my peace.” Giving up more on life in my restless youth, I decided to take another look at my Catholic Faith since I always felt that pull to move towards it or guilt for not. I believe everyone seeks out more peace, love, and friendship in this restless world, where bonding with something meaningful or with people, and even with God, is never a given. When asking myself what or why God wanted me to follow Him, I discovered that peace, His peace, which started to slowly take the place of my misery! Well love and friendship came along in God’s right moments, but, the biggest continual call for me was to keep handing over my restlessness to Him for His healing and in most cases, not so easy! And so with my personal blindness slowly (at times painfully) lifting I see more of God’s call for me, bringing with it, more personal acceptance of myself and of God, as His merciful love is slowly being revealed.

      Greg Caspers

      Greg Caspers

      Hometown: St. Paul, MN
      Life Commitment: 1993
      Feast Day: March 25, Solemnity of the Annunciation

      In 1984 I received a mailing from the AFC containing a cassette tape with a discussion between Mr. Coniker and Fr. John Hardin. They explained that the US is once again missionary territory that needs evangelizing and that the renewal of the family as God designed it is crucial for a healthy church and society. That made me interested in the work and I also heard that there was a community of consecrated celibates starting in the AFC and I was drawn to the fact that I live full time for this mission and live in a community devoted to prayer and work toward it. I also was attracted to its Marian devotion and that the AFC is solidly Catholic and tries to avoid extremes.

      Tim Croes

      Tim Croes

      Hometown: New Richmond, WI
      Life Commitment: 1993
      Feast Day: March 25, Solemnity of the Annunciation

      What attracted me? My parents were dairy farmers, and I am number 6 of 8 children- 4 boys and 4 girls. As a young boy, I sensed a call to be a priest. Growing up, I really didn’t know my faith, and a lot of what the Church taught was being called into question. After experiencing the sudden accidental death of an older brother when I was 19 years of age, I went through a reversion, an awakening of my Faith. As I began to learn and grow in my faith through the ‘Peace of Heart Forums’ offered by the Apostolate for Family Consecration, I began to hear God’s invitational call to sell my farm and “Come, Follow Me”. His call was real and gentle, yet persistent. I didn’t know if He was calling me to priesthood, religious life or what. After attending a retreat at the AFC, I was invited to test a vocation with the Catholic Corps. I was attracted to the mission of the AFC, which is focused on rebuilding family life spiritually, going after the root problem of all the unhappiness and problems in our world, which is sin. In the AFC, we focus on overcoming evil with good, using modern means to teach the Truth, and consecrate ourselves to Jesus through Mary in union with St. Joseph, becoming in Mary’s hands effective instruments to crush Satan’s head. We are all broken and in need of a Savior – Jesus. I am privileged to help families be healed and be set free to live in the freedom of the children of God as they journey forth on their pilgrimage of faith.

      Rory Freiermuth

      Rory Freiermuth

      Hometown: St. Paul, MN
      Life Commitment: 1994
      Feast Day: December 8, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

      I was first exposed to the Apostolate and the Catholic Corps at one of the AFC’s Youth Retreats, and I was very inspired by the solid Catholicism, rich prayer and sacramental life, and importance that was given to Our Lady’s message at Fatima. I was also attracted by the healthy emphasis on truth and holiness as the primary means to overcome the increasing evil in our world. Although I had an established career in the field of Fisheries Biology, Our Lord’s invitation to become a “fisher of men” resonated deeply within me. I have never regretted answering God’s personal call, and I am forever grateful for the many opportunities available in this vocation to console the Hearts of Jesus and Mary while laboring to sanctify families, repair for sin, and win grace for straying souls.

      Anthony Giammarino

      Anthony Giammarino

      Hometown: Deer Park, NY
      Life Commitment: 2004
      Feast Day: June 13, Corpus Christi Sunday & St. Anthony of Padua

      When the Good Lord put in my heart a vocation to serve Him with an undivided heart, I was particularly attracted to the AFC’s Catholic Corps in 3 ways:
      1. The Family-Centered focus, the basic cell of society;
      2. The unwavering obedience to the Catholic Church’s Magisterium, which when I entered was visibly being undermined;
      3. And Lastly-The Person of Pope John Paul II, whose spirituality the AFC has adopted as their own.
      These 3 keys have continued to guide me in my vocational walk as a member of the Catholic Corps.

      Roch Gillmore

      Roch Gillmore

      Hometown: Warner Robins, GA
      Life Commitment: 2021
      Feast Day: March 19, Solemnity of St. Joseph

      I was born a cradle Catholic as the 5th of 12 kids. I began to embrace my relationship with God in my mid-teens, but more so in my later teens after having pneumonia 5 times and being bedridden off and on for 6 months with sinus infections and bronchitis. I also went on a couple powerful retreats between sicknesses. My brother invited me to join the men’s lay celibate consecrated community that he was part of at the time (the “Catholic Corps”). I hesitated but once I tried it out, I knew it was an answer to the prayer I’d been praying for a “group of guys that would help me grow in holiness”. At that point (November, 2011), God had given me a love for Him in the Eucharist, so daily adoration and Mass were very attractive. My health continued to improve which served as a sign that I could continue in this vocation. I’m so thankful to God that I have the privilege to be part of this community and this ministry. It’s great to have found this wonderful Catholic vocation in the church!

        Your Family Can Become a Holy Family

        To Jesus, through Mary, in union with St. Joseph.