Set Your Family Apart for God
Making an act of consecration to the Holy Family, together as a family, is a renewal of your baptismal consecration and sets your family apart for God.
You can do the preparation and consecration at any time. But to make it more memorable, we suggest choosing a special day.
Consider renewing your Family Consecration each year on the same date, like Christmas, the Feast of the Holy Family (First Sunday after Christmas), or the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Friday after the second Sunday after Pentecost).

Prayer of Consecration
Lord Jesus, Your hidden years with Your Blessed Mother and St. Joseph at Nazareth showed us the beauty of the community of life and love that the family is meant to be. You taught us the value of selfless love, humble obedience, and silent sacrifice. You showed us how to sanctify the daily give-and-take of family life.
Today, we, the members of the ____________ family, publicly acknowledge You, Jesus, as the true Head of our family and the King of our home. We renew and ratify today, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, the vows of our baptism. We renounce Satan and resolve to follow You even more closely than before.
We consecrate to you, O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, our work, our play, our sorrows, and our joys, along with our interior and exterior possessions, including the value of our good actions—past, present, and future. Please magnify our humble offerings and present them to Jesus as your own.
We also consecrate ourselves to you, dear St. Joseph, head of the Holy Family. In faithful imitation of Jesus and Mary, we place ourselves and all our concerns under your care and protection. To you, after Jesus and Mary, we consecrate our bodies and souls, with all their faculties, our spiritual growth, our home, and all our affairs and undertakings.
This is the covenant we make with you, most Holy Family. We desire to live our lives in close communion with you as your consecrated children and faithful servants. We pledge to model our family after you, O Holy Family of Nazareth.
In return, most Holy Family, we ask you to bless and protect us. Keep us ever faithful to this covenant. Help us to sanctify our lives and family by faithfully fulfilling the responsibility of each present moment, for the glory of God and the good of others.
Jesus, King of Families, come and reign over our family!
Mary, Queen of Families, take possession of our hearts!
St. Joseph, Protector of Families, help us live in and reflect the love of the Holy Family!

A Visible Sign of Your Consecration
Giving an image of the Holy Family a special place in your home is a beautiful way to love and honor Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. The image can also be a reminder to model your life after the Holy Family.