


Joanna Hillier’s AFC Missionary Campaign 2025

The Apostolate for Family Consecration (AFC) is a non-profit ministry to families in Bloomingdale, Ohio. Our mission is to support and challenge Catholic families to grow in holiness, grow in truth, and grow together, so they can be fully alive in Christ. Through our summer Holy Family Fests ® we lead families to an encounter with Jesus and encourage them in their journey of faith. Without a doubt, society is attacking the family now more than ever. It is crucial that the family is built up in Christ for, "as the family goes, so does the nation, and so does the whole world in which we live” (Pope St John Paul II). Our Service Corps missionaries make our Holy Family Fests possible through their entire summer of service towards the AFC's mission. During this time they will have the opportunity to serve more than 800 families (over 5,600 people) at our seven Holy Family Fests ®. They will work in hospitality, food service, custodial, youth and young adult ministry, children’s programming, facilities management, liturgical ministry, music ministry and a host of other responsibilities. Any funds donated towards the Service Corps help cover the basic costs of hosting missionaries at the AFC, such as food, housing, and clothing. Your generous gift will off-set these costs to the Apostolate and will help the missionaries bless families not only this summer, but for years to come as the funds are used to promote family consecration, the message of Our Lady of Fatima and the pro-life, pro-family and pro-marriage spirituality of Pope St. John Paul II. Please click on the button to donate, and share our campaign on social media. Let's build up the Kingdom of Christ!