



Join the AFC’s mission to support families in the Catholic Faith and change hearts through the message of Family Consecration.

Spread the Word


Families matter. It is within the family that the human person receives the gift of faith and comes to know God. But in today’s society, families are under attack. Souls are at stake. Catholic families need support to live their faith—now more than ever.

You can join the AFC’s mission to support families in the Catholic Faith and change hearts through the message of Family Consecration.

Invite one family (or a few) to come to an AFC event with you next year!


Put an Ad in the Bulletin

  1. Go to your parish website.
  2. Find out where to email a bulletin announcement.
  3. Send the email we already wrote for you. 

Invite Your Friends

  1. Download and print the flyer.
  2. Give it to people who might be interested.
  3. Ask if they want to come with you.

Share on Social Media

  1. Write a short testimony about your experience at an AFC event.
  2. Post it on your social media accounts, along with the video (below) or a photo.
  3. Tag the AFC in your post.

Tell Your Parish

  1. Ask your pastor if you can give a short announcement at your parish.
  2. Share how your family has been impacted by an AFC event.
  3. Pass out flyers after Mass or another parish event.


Reach out on purpose

You can invite friends, family members, or members of your parish or social group.

Is there someone you wish could have been with you at an AFC event?

Do you know anyone who needs encouragement in their faith journey?

These would be great people to invite.

Tell about your experience

Share what was meaningful to you when you attended an AFC event.

There are no wrong answers here!

When it comes to matters of the Faith, sharing your personal witness is one of the best ways to reach out to others.

Show pictures or videos

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”

If you have photos or videos from your time at Catholic Familyland®, show them!

Pictures and videos can spark stories that give people a better feel for what they can expect at an AFC event.

Follow up later

After you invite someone to an AFC event, check back in to see if they’ve thought about it more.

Let them know when you’ve registered and see if they are ready to register too.

We’re Missionaries for Family Renewal

The Apostolate for Family Consecration (AFC) supports and challenges Catholic families to grow together in holiness and truth, so that they can become fully alive in Christ.

Inspired by Pope Saint John Paul II and Our Lady’s Fatima message, the AFC promotes Family Consecration to Jesus, through Mary, in union with St. Joseph.

Families following the AFC way of life defy the odds in today’s culture. Parents are blessed to see most (if not all) of their children remain active in the Catholic Church as adults, with many discerning calls to the priesthood and religious life.


Your Family Can Become a Holy Family

To Jesus, through Mary, in union with St. Joseph.