Why is the Holy Eucharist the center of all sacramental life?

Mission Lab

The Holy Eucharist is the center of all sacramental life because It unites and strengthens the Church. Baptism is the beginning of our Christian life. It initiates us into the life of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but we must grow ever more alive in this divine life by praying, receiving the sacraments, hearing the Word of God, serving …

Who has been empowered to offer the Eucharistic Sacrifice?

Mission Lab

Only ordained priests and bishops are called to offer the Eucharistic Sacrifice to the Father, with Christ, in the Holy Spirit, for the living and the dead, and for the Salvation of all. Christ commanded His Apostles to celebrate this sacrifice when He said, “Do this in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11:24). This is a sacred task: to act …

What is Holy Communion?

Mission Lab

Holy Communion is the Eucharistic meal of the Body and Blood of Christ, which: (1) reminds us of the Last Supper, (2) celebrates our unity with one another in Christ, and (3) is a foretaste of the eternal Messianic Banquet of Heaven. 1. Holy Communion is the Eucharistic meal of the Body and Blood of Christ, which reminds us of …

What is a sacrifice to God?

Mission Lab

A sacrifice to God consists in a lawful priest offering some befitting gift to God, as a victim in the name of the people, in order to acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty over creation. In a sacrifice, man gives to God something of his own property; this surrender occurs through real or symbolic destruction, whereby the gift is removed from its …

What is the Holy Eucharist?

Mission Lab

The Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Under the appearance of bread and wine, the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ are really, truly, and substantially present for the nourishment of souls and as a sacrifice of the Church.

Why does the Church celebrate the Eucharist?

Mission Lab

The Church celebrates the Eucharist in obedience to the words of Jesus at the Last Supper: “Do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19). At this time, Jesus gave the Apostles both the command and the power to bring the Eucharist to us. The celebration of the Eucharist is the Church’s way of doing what Jesus did at the Last …

What takes place when a priest speaks the words of Eucharistic consecration?

Mission Lab

When a priest pronounces the words of Eucharistic consecration at Mass, the bread and wine, by the power of the Holy Spirit, are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ, which were given for us in sacrifice. At the Last Supper, Jesus’ words and power made Him really and substantially present under the outward appearances of bread and wine …

How is Jesus present in the Eucharist?

Mission Lab

Our Lord Jesus Himself, true God and true man, is really and substantially present, in a mysterious way, under the appearances of bread and wine. After the priest speaks the words of consecration, the appearances of bread and wine remain, meaning that bread and wine appear to be there but are not really there substantially. At the Last Supper, when …

What is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass?

Mission Lab

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not only a ritual which reminds us of the sacrifice of Calvary, but through the ministry of ordained priests, Christ continues, until the end of time, His sacrifice of the Cross in an unbloody manner. The Holy Mass is the sacrifice by which the Church not only remembers Jesus Christ, but really brings …