What is the theological virtue of faith?

Mission Lab

The Theological Virtue of faith is the supernatural virtue by which we firmly believe in our hearts all the truths God has revealed. The virtue of faith enables us to accept as true and choose to live by the body of truths that are found in the Creeds and in the teachings of the Church, for these are based upon …

What is the theological virtue of hope?

Mission Lab

Hope is the supernatural virtue by which we firmly commit ourselves in our hearts to fulfill God’s covenant and plan for our lives while firmly trusting that He, Who is all-powerful and faithful to His promises, will, in His mercy, give us eternal happiness and the means to obtain it, if we keep this commitment. These promises are given to …

How should the Holy Spirit be honored?

Mission Lab

The Holy Spirit should be loved and honored as our God, just as the Father and the Son are honored. We should also allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives. By prayer, we learn to discern His inspirations in our souls. His inspirations bring peace. We should recognize the importance of the Holy Spirit and His work in the …

What is the task of the Holy Spirit in the Church?

Mission Lab

The Holy Spirit (1) preserves the Church as the Body of Christ and as the Bride of Christ so that she can remain faithful to Him in holiness until the end of time; and (2) assists the Church in purifying and renewing herself and her members.1. The Holy Spirit preserves the Church as the Body of Christ. The Holy Spirit, …

What is actual grace?

Mission Lab

Actual grace is that special help which the Holy Spirit gives us to enlighten our minds and to inspire and guide our wills to do good and to avoid evil in particular situations. It consists in temporary gifts of divine light for our minds and divine powers for our hearts. St. John tells us that God comes to illumine every …

What takes place when a person accepts the Spirit of Christ?

Mission Lab

When a person accepts the Spirit of Christ, he receives the power to become an adopted child of God. He truly shares in God’s own divine nature and in the communion of the divine Persons. He is then led by God to a new way of life. The power to become God’s child is called sanctifying grace. All three Persons …

Who is God the Holy Spirit?

Mission Lab

God the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, is God just as the Father and the Son are God. He is called the Paraclete (or Comforter) and the Advocate, because He pleads mankind’s cause with God. He is also called the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of Love. The Holy Spirit comes …

When did the Holy Spirit descend upon the Church?

Mission Lab

In a mighty wind and tongues of fire, God the Holy Spirit descended upon the early Church on Pentecost, fifty days after Easter and ten days after Jesus ascended into Heaven. The Holy Spirit transformed the Apostles from timid, fearful men to the courageous men of faith through whom Christ wanted to evangelize the world.

How does the Holy Spirit carry out Christ’s work in the Church?

Mission Lab

The Holy Spirit carries out Christ’s work in the Church when persons are willing to answer God’s invitation to love Him and one another. As Jesus Christ is the center of the History of Salvation, so the mystery of God is the center from which this history takes its origin and to which it is ordered to its last end. …

Where is God the Holy Spirit especially present?

Mission Lab

God the Holy Spirit is especially present in the Catholic Church. The Holy Spirit gives His divine life of grace to the Catholic Church, making it pleasing to God. He is present to help the Church to carry on the work of Christ in the world. He moves people by His grace to unite themselves in sincere love with God …