What plan does God have for mankind?

Mission Lab

In general, God’s plan for us is the carrying out of our Salvation, which is to culminate in forming His faithful followers to become one in mind and will with Him for all eternity. Thus, we become permanent members of the new People of God, with Jesus as our Head—we become the “Whole Christ.” In the Creed we say, “He …

Is Jesus Christ the center of all God’s saving work?

Mission Lab

Yes, Jesus Christ is the center of all of God’s saving work, because the Father chose Him to be so in view of His Incarnation, birth, Death, and Resurrection. Jesus Christ became man so that He might save all men and re-establish in Himself all things which were hurt by the fall of man. Thus, by His Death and Resurrection, …

How did Jesus lead His Apostles to faith in His Resurrection?

Mission Lab

Jesus led His Apostles to believe in His Resurrection by His being present among His followers for forty days in His resurrected and glorified body, by eating with them, by speaking to them, and by allowing Himself to be touched and felt. Clearly He, Whom they saw, touched, and heard, was neither a disembodied spirit nor an illusion.

What has Jesus Christ done for us through His Resurrection?

Mission Lab

When Christ passed from death to life, He made possible our passing from the death of sin to life in Him. Being the firstborn of the dead, Jesus Christ offers eternal life to all. In Him we are made spiritually renewed persons. We receive the new life of grace in Baptism, where we become God’s children. St. Peter says, “Blessed …

How does the risen Jesus help us now?

Mission Lab

The risen Jesus helps us by: (1) giving us the supernatural life of grace and (2) pouring out His Holy Spirit upon us. 1. The risen Jesus helps us by giving us the supernatural life of grace. By dying and rising, our Lord Jesus saved us from death and restored us to life. He continues to give us the supernatural …

What is the meaning of the Ascension of Christ?

Mission Lab

The Ascension of Christ means that Jesus “was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their [the disciples’] sight” (Acts 1:9). His glorified body and soul, which had risen from the dead, now ascended into Heaven.