Why is God all-merciful?

Mission Lab

God is all-merciful because there is no end to His mercy. As often as we are sorry for our sins and confess them, so often will God forgive us.

Why is God all-just?

Mission Lab

God is all-just because He is completely honest and fair with everybody. He promises to reward us for our good deeds and to punish us for our evil deeds. Yet, He is always merciful to those who turn to Him. (See Q. 14.)

In what ways has God shown His love for us?

Mission Lab

God has shown His love for us by: (1) making firm promises to men; (2) freeing and saving us; and (3) loving each of us with the love of a father and always caring for us. 1. God made firm promises to men. After our first parents, Adam and Eve, sinned, God made a promise to redeem all men. He …

How should we respond to God’s goodness?

Mission Lab

We should respond to God’s goodness by (1) finding joy in Him since He gives us eternal hope, and (2) worshiping Him and serving Him. 1. We should find joy in God. We belong to God. He loves us and wants us to love Him, so that we might be with Him in Heaven for all eternity. Through fervent prayer …

In what ways do we worship God?

Mission Lab

We worship God when we participate in the sacred liturgy, and in a special way when we adore Him in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In the Mass, we offer ourselves to the Father together with Jesus’ offering of Himself. We worship God, as well, when we pray to Him by ourselves or with others. We also worship God …

What should we hope to receive from the goodness of God?

Mission Lab

From God’s goodness we should hope to receive the graces we need to live a life of sacrificial love, both for God and for our neighbor. Our lives can be very happy, if we respond generously to these graces everyday to love God and our neighbor and to help those whom God brings into our lives.

Why is it that so few people pay attention to God?

Mission Lab

So few people pay attention to God because their lives are occupied mainly with the affairs of men rather than with God. While God is always good to us, there are many people who care very little for Him. They purposely break God’s commandments and are more interested in their own pleasures and in the things of this world than …

Does every man have some desire for God?

Mission Lab

Yes, every man has some desire for God, no matter how hidden it may be. As St. Augustine has said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” Even if we do not acknowledge it, there is a secret desire in our hearts for God. To the degree that God …

What is the history of salvation?

Mission Lab

The History of Salvation is the account of God’s dealings with mankind and how He saved us. Throughout Salvation History, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit made Themselves known to man, made peace with him by means of the Crucifixion and Death of Jesus, and united Themselves with those who turned away from sin.

Is God infinitely good?

Mission Lab

God is infinitely good. His goodness is limitless, as are all of His perfections.