What are the seven Capital Sins?

Mission Lab

The Capital Sins are pride, avarice, envy, anger, lust, gluttony, and sloth. Pride is seeking after one’s own honor. Self-seeking and vanity are examples of pride. Avarice is seeking after wealth by stealing, fraud, injustice, and stinginess. Envy is a certain sadness of the mind. It leads to hatred and resentment of others. We are envious when we resent the …

Why are all men conceived and born in Original Sin?

Mission Lab

When Adam sinned, he lost original holiness and justice. He cut himself off from God, and his human nature was harmed in its natural powers, and sickness and death entered his life. In losing these gifts, he could not pass them on to his descendants. As a result, people are born into this world separated from their loving Father and …

What happens in Baptism?

Mission Lab

In Baptism, God unites our soul to Himself. God’s love, the Holy Spirit, is poured into our soul. Our soul is lifted to a new kind of life which is a sharing in God’s own life. Although Baptism gives us the supernatural gift of sanctifying grace, it does not bring us some special gifts which Adam and Eve alone received, …

Was anyone exempt from Original Sin?

Mission Lab

The Blessed Virgin Mary was chosen to be the Mother of the Son of God, and thus she was preserved, from the very first moment of her conception, from the spiritual darkness of Original Sin. She was always united with God; her soul was flooded with His love. We call this privilege her Immaculate Conception. The Church celebrates this great …

What is actual or personal sin?

Mission Lab

Actual or personal sin is an offense against God. Personal sin, as opposed to Original Sin, is the willful disobedience to God’s will. This disobedience may be an action, a thought, a desire, or an intention. A sin must be a conscious and deliberate violation of the moral law. Thus, to sin is to actually say “no” to God. We …

When someone commits a personal sin, what happens?

Mission Lab

When someone commits a personal sin, he: (1) fails to love God; (2) turns away from pursuing his lifetime goal of doing the will of God; and (3) by means of a serious offense (mortal sin), ruptures his relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. To sin is to refuse to let God have His way in …

What is mortal sin?

Mission Lab

Mortal sin is a serious or grave violation of the law of God. It is the fully deliberate choice of a person who knows that what he chooses is gravely forbidden by God. The result of committing a mortal sin is the destruction of the life of God in the soul. By committing a mortal sin, we lose God’s life …

Is the soul directly created by God?

Mission Lab

Yes, God personally and directly creates each soul and infuses it into the body. We must believe that the human race is descended from Adam and Eve, our first parents, and that Adam’s and Eve’s souls were directly created by God. Husbands and wives cooperate with God in the formation of the human body. But the soul, which makes that …

What are the effects of mortal sin?

Mission Lab

As explained before, the effects of mortal sin are separation from God and damage to ourselves and others. If we do not wish to change and if we always refuse to do what God wants us to do, the separation from God is permanent. The permanent separation from God after death takes place in Hell.

What special gifts did God give to Adam and Eve?

Mission Lab

One special gift God gave Adam and Eve at their creation was original holiness and justice. Original justice consisted in the basic supernatural gifts of sanctifying grace, the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the infused virtues, especially the theological and cardinal virtues. God also gave Adam and Eve the preternatural gifts, namely capacities and powers above and beyond …